head shot, pale person with blond and blue hair, outside in winter

TS Dower is a printmaker and photographer from Baltimore, still on Piscataway land.

They studied theatrical costume, sound, and lighting design alongside a degree in computer science through 2002, shifting to develop video games and now archive infrastructure for astronomy. As an artist, their start in lighting for theater in an era of sudden digitization influenced both their photographic style and choices of contemporary digital and nostalgic analog media, leading to study in alternative photographic processes. Primarily working with cyanotype, native and invasive flora, discarded objects, abandoned places, and toy and vintage film cameras, they mix precise technical and disorted dreamlike elements to pose questions about automation, sustainability, and our human place in nature.

A member of the Extinct Flightless Arts Collective, they have run several outdoor workshops in cyanotype printing for children and adults across the Mid-Atlantic US, and could be convinced to do it again.

main * about * instagram: tsdower_prints * mastodon: tsdower@hachyderm.io