Postcards from the Garden

cyanotype postcard cyanotype postcard cyanotype postcard

cyanotype postcard cyanotype postcard cyanotype postcard

cyanotype postcard cyanotype postcard
(more on IG)

Postcards from the Garden, an open series in mail art, was started in 2020 in response to pandemic isolation and personal grief.

Each print is a cyanotype (blueprint) including silhouettes of local flora on standard postcard size watercolor paper, posted directly via USPS to members of online postcard swap communities, distant family, and isolated friends. Later pieces include embellishments with found objects, x-ray images, and sketches in ink, evolving the simple body of work over time. The cyanotype printing process, with its requirements for sunlight and stillness and water and its short, off the cuff exposure times, becomes a series of small meditations. The final step of addressing and entrusting each to the postal service, unwrapped and uninsured, is an intentional, non-commercial letting go.

Postscript: If you have read this far and would like to possibly receive a card from the next print run, inquire via Instagram, Mastodon, Signal, or in person. They are free and not quite archival by nature.

main * about * instagram: tsdower_prints * mastodon: